Monday 21 May 2012

Rajiv Gandhi we miss you

 21st of May is the day when Rajiv Gandhi was assassinated leaving the entire nation in shock. Rajiv Gandhi as a person and as a Prime Minister was always adorable. He is one of the youngest leaders India has ever produced. His style of speech was unique and one could easily identify his voice on radio or on television. Scions of the Nehru-Gandhi family have contributed significantly to the political history of India during the freedom struggle and after gaining independence. During the India’s freedom struggle, Motilal Nehru & Kamla Nehru played pivotal roles. Their son, Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru and his daughter Indira Gandhi were very popular and distinguished leaders who became Prime Ministers of India. Their styles of work and leadership qualities were entirely different. Especially, Mrs. Indira Gandhi was very aggressive in her approach. Her son, Rajiv Gandhi, was also a young, passionate leader who was very down to earth. His vision and aspirations were different and his tenure as a prime minister was also in different era as compared to former two Prime ministers of Gandhi family. Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru became India’s first Prime minister after Independence. His tenure was in between poverty, financial crisis and attack from China. Even after so many challenges he was still able to prove to the entire world what a terrific leader and a tough human being he was. India’s first woman Prime Minister, Mrs. Indira Gandhi, on the other hand, was passionate, aggressive and disciplined leader throughout her life. In 1971, she took a bold decision to save Bangladesh from Pakistan’s attack. She sent her troops in Bangladesh and freed Bangladesh from Pakistan’s domination. It is still regarded as a great gesture and we all salute what she did for Bangladesh. This act of her also sent a strong message to other neighboring countries that India couldn’t be considered as underdog any more.
Rajiv Gandhi became Prime minister after her mother’s assassination in New Delhi. It was a tough time for him as he himself was not in India at that point in time. He had by then married Sonia who was from Italy. Rajiv Gandhi also faced huge challenges in his tenure but never surrendered to any of the challenges he faced. Rajiv Gandhi, for the very first time, went beyond borders to modernize India. He also worked towards making India as one of the most powerful nation in the world. He is also considered as “FATHER OF COMPUTERS IN INDIA”. He was the one who brought the concept of computers to India and made people aware what a magnificent machine it is and how India could benefit from it.  Rajiv Gandhi also forged new friendships with different developed countries and bought Bofors to strengthen India’s military power.  This Bofors played a major role in cornering the enemies in Kargil war. Unfortunately, Bofors also brought a lot of criticism with it for him. Later in the court it was proved that nothing wrong was done by Rajiv, which I am sure would have helped his soul to attain tranquility and serenity in the heaven. Rajiv was attending all his goals year after year and was a respect icon in India, not because he was a Prime minister of our country but because of his hard work, perseverance and for achieving all his goals. As they say, good people unknowingly develop a lot of hidden and unwanted enemies and that’s what happened with him. In Coimbatore, on an official tour to address an election rally for the ongoing National elections, he was assassinated by a lady human bomb and she was member of LTTE (Liberation Tigers of Tamil Elam). It was yet another bad day for Gandhi family and for India as India lost yet another of its patriots which left a huge void in Indian politics.
 On this day, we salute Mr. Rajiv Gandhi for what he was and what he did for India. His wife, Sonia Gandhi is doing well as the President of Indian National Congress and that day is not far when we will see Rahul Gandhi, son of Rajiv Gandhi on the seat of Prime Minister. We all Indians are with Sonia and entire Gandhi family on this day and we wish them all the best for their future endeavor!!!!

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